4 Dead-Simple Ways To Supercharge Your Lead Magnet

4 Dead-Simple Ways To Supercharge Your Lead Magnet


Creating epic content isn’t enough anymore. If you're trying to earn income from your blog. 

Back in the day, you could clutter your site with Google Adwords, affiliate links even private banners ads to earn revenue, today's readers won't stand for it.  They'll find someone else to follow. After all, there's roughly two million blog post getting published every day (Marketing Profs).

That’s why 99.99% of successful bloggers + creative entrepreneurs focus on building an email list. Then showering subscribers with value soak content. (Building the all important know, like and trust factor.) Then ask for the sale. Whether it’s for an affiliate product, freelance service or digital course. 

But with the average adult getting over 100 emails a day, readers are waaaaay  more protective of their email address. Which means "updates + newsletters and special offers" won’t get readers to smack your subscribe button like ever. 

Which means you need a high-quality lead magnet. 

What's a lead magnet?

Lead magnets, freebies, opt-in gifts are all the same thing.  A free piece of content readers can only get access to in exchange for their email address.

So how can you create a lead magnet that stands out from the crowd and makes you an inbox hero? Why follow these next four steps of course.  

1. Research

Don't create a freebie based on what you think people want or even worse what you think they need. 

Based your lead magnet off of problems your audience is complaining about.

For example, if you’re a branding specialist and graphic designer you might know that people need to drill down on they’re ideal client, and brand words before picking out colors.

But your potential clients, however, are out there complaining that they can't find what colors to use together, or why the graphics look so cheesy.

They're probably not thinking….”I wish I know my brand words, that would make life so much easier.”  So your freebie 5 steps to figure out your brand words would flop. But 5 steps to picking out the perfect brand colors - winner!

So, how can you find out what potential clients and subscribers want when you have zero audiences and no clients?

Search Facebook Groups, forums, popular blogs where your ideal clients hang out.  

2. Change your hook

The video might have killed the radio star but being vague and generic is killing your email list sign ups.

For this example let’s say you're a vegan blogger
Your freebie: A beginner’s guide to going vegan. (Meh!) 

You need to spice things up and get specific. As I tell my students and clients, you've got 3 basic hook options

1. Call out the person -
 Who are you actually helping going Vegan? Is it busy moms? Men over 50? Vegetarians?

Then get even more specific. If it’s busy mommy, How old are her kids?  How is she? What does she do for a living? 

2. Call out excuses - 
Time, money, habits/life situations are the big three standing in people's way. Let's switch it up a little. 
What excuses do clients normally have about going vegan?
Giving up cheese? A bloated grocery bill? 
Is their husband a super meat eater?
Instead of your freebie being "A beginners guide to going vegan" you could have:

  • "A beginners’ guide to going vegan that won't bust the bank" 
  • "A beginners’ guide to going vegan even if your husband lives on steak and bacon" 
  • "5 - 10 minute Vegan Dinner Ideas Your Kids Will love"

3. Callout something surprising
What's common knowledge or misconception about your industry? 

This time say you’re a health and wellness blogger, your lead magnet a 10-minute ab workout.  Instead of doing the traditional crutches,  create a workout done entirely standing up. You're hook "How to melt 3 inches off your waist without doing a single sit-up" 

3. Get visual

Use screenshots of your videos, worksheets, and mp3s  to give your freebie some weight. Simply take a screen shot of the cover or video (command shift 4 on a Mac, Ctrl + PrtScn on windows) then place them on graphics you can create in Canva or Picmonkey. 

If you want to put your lead magnet in a "scene" like a lady looking at her phone, a computer screen or laptop check out Placeit.net and  Smartmockups.com. (Both have excellent free versions.)

If you’re rocking out the photoshop or gimp check out Freepik or Graphicburger from free and paid magazine, flyers and poster mockups. 

4. Have a defined next step

You've spent all this time researching, creating and promoting your lead magnet don't let it go to waste!

Tell subscribers exactly what you want them to do next after consuming your lead magnet. 
Base that “next step” on your current goal.

  • Are you actively growing your list for a launch? Ask them to share it out with a click to tweet.
  • Wanna bigger facebook group? Have them post their "homework" in the group for more support.
  • Looking for more sales? Send them to a discovery call or sales page. 
  • Want a deeper connection with your community? Ask them to hit and tell you what they're struggling with.

There's only one rule here you can only pick one next step... no "oh book a discovery call or join my group."

There you have it, folks. 4 easy steps to supercharge your lead magnet. What's your current lead magnet? Is it performing as well as you'd like? Let us know in the comments below. 


Jane is One!


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