DIY - Recipe in a Frame

DIY- Recipe in a Frame This simple DIY is perfect for your kitchen.

What you need: - Old recipes (or you can write new ones) - Frames - Paper or card-stock - Scissors - Pencil - Tape - Hammer and finishing nails - Level - Ruler (optional)

Gather Recipes Gather Recipes you would like to be displayed. You can use old recipe cards, your favourite recipe, or if you don’t have any you can write your own. I went through my mom's recipe box while I was visiting for Christmas Holiday.  I found a handwritten recipe from my great grandmother who had passed this last year. I photocopied it so my mom and I could both have a copy. I also photocopied a couple colourful recipe cards my mom wrote so I could have some in her hand writing as well. 

Getting it the Right Size Take out the insert measurements from the frame and use the measurements to determine the size of paper or card-stock you will need. you can trace the edge of the page or may want to use a ruler instead to measure the size of paper. After marking out the correct size cut the paper to fit inside the frame and tape your recipe cards to the center. I like to use the glass from the frame because then I can see the image through the glass and see exactly what it is going to look like in the frame. My great grandmother’s recipe was written on a large piece of paper so it fills the frame without needing to be taped to a piece of backing.

Finish & Hang Place all your recipes that are now on backs into the frames and hang in your kitchen! It's that easy. I chose to put two recipes in one of the larger frames I had. I also used a level for my putting up my frames.


FullSizeRender (4)FullSizeRender (2)My great-grandmothers handwriting. 

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