Month 5 Update - Habitat Schoolhouse

Month five update Habitat schoolhouse

September 2nd marks five full months for Habitat Schoolhouse. This month we hit a ton of goals and numbers that I am so excited to share with you. We shared a few of them on our Instagram but didn't want to risk looking braggy so I thought I would save the rest for a blog post so rather than looking like I am bragging I still get to share my excitement with you but in a more informative manner than a 'look at me' way. 

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who has been following along this journey and supported our small business. Please read below to find out what amazing things are happening at Habitat Schoolhouse.



This month we launched the long-anticipated physical copy of our preschool curriculum. There were way more hoops to jump through than we originally thought when going into this but we've managed to figure out a system that will work. In order to offer you the physical copy at the lowest cost possible it is best if we order the books in bulk so we are having our physical copies on presale, and when we meet our minimum order goal then we will send off the information to start printing. So exciting! We're almost there! 

If you're interested in purchasing the physical copy for presale (which is the lowest cost it will ever be priced at) you can do so by clicking here or by clicking the button below. 

THE MOST EXCITING THING THAT HAPPENED THIS MONTH: There were a number of things that happened this month that I want to share with you! All of which happened within days of each other. 

1. The first big thing that happened was with all of the orders we've received I was able to fully pay off my student loan! Wahoo! It was a large loan that, as a stay at home mom, I didn't think would be paid off for another decade. But with this fantastic business, I was able to completely pay it off! (For those of you stay at home moms who have a hobby or side hustle you want to make into a profitable business I want to tell you that it is possible).

2. The second huge goal we hit was ONE THOUSAND orders Wahoo! 

3. The third goal we hit on the same day that we hit one thousand orders was reaching 10,000 followers on Instagram! We're now over 12 thousand but hitting ten was something I never dreamed possible. The homeschooling community we have on social media is so supportive and encouraging. I really wouldn't have been able to do this without the fantastic parents who follow and support our little company. 

4. Another fantastic thing that happened this month was that we got our business name and license approved. That one was more an 'under the radar win' than the big fancy ten thousand followers that we posted everywhere and told everyone about, but for me, as a small business owner, it is a big step and something I feel proud of. 

5. We also broke twenty-thousand dollars in sales last month. Which I'm not sharing to boast about but rather to encourage my readers. I have many stay at home moms who follow my blog and I want to continue to encourage them to keep plugging away at their hobbies or small businesses because one day it will pay off. 

6. And finally, the biggest win for this month was that we completed creating content for our curriculum! It's totally finished! It was a lot of work and turned out to be much more than I thought when it started but I am so pleased with how it turned out and all came together. I knew it would be something beautiful but seeing it finished really makes a difference. I can't wait to see how it looks when our test print of the physical copy gets here. 


Next month:

September is BACK TO SCHOOL. So I will be starting my daughter on our Habitat Schoolhouse curriculum once our physical copy comes in. Which she's very excited about because she has been my inspiration for the entire curriculum and she has enjoyed working on the worksheets and lessons I've shared with her. 

Unfortunately, we won't be jumping right into creating content for a Kindergarten/Grade 1 curriculum (as much as it is being requested and I'd love to). But we have baby number 2 due in November so I don't want to take on a huge project when I know as soon as baby arrives I will be taking a month or two off. So I will be working on smaller activity packs that are closer to 30 pages each rather than over 600 pages like our curriculum is. There have been requests for a fall activity pack, a math activity pack, a space activity pack and a few others. So I will pick and choose a few of those to release over the next month. I also have a personal project in the works which I will share with you later this month and will be blogging more now that I have more free time.


Long Term

Long-term I will be starting on a Kindergarten/ grade one curriculum and a few shorter lessons that are focused on different animals and subjects, ie. more in-depth lessons on bees, oceans, rocks etc. Also, with the launch of our physical copy I would like to add a few other physical items to our shop for those who prefer physical to digital. Some flashcards, flip books and worksheets would be a nice option. 

I think that about sums up this little update. If you actually read these please let me know! Shoot me an email or comment below letting me know if you've been following along!

I can't wait for this next month! 


If you want to read more about Habitat Schoolhouse or Homeschooling check out the articles below. 

Homeschool Curriculum

Homeschool Starter Guide

One Month Update with Habitat Schoolhouse

Two Month Update with Habitat Schoolhouse

Three Month Update with Habitat Schoolhouse

35 Things your child needs to know before starting Kindergarten



If you haven't read about my admin assistant or editor you can read more about these to fantastic women HERE. And, if you feel inclined you can send them a little thank you for all the work they've done to make the curriculum, worksheets and lessons you all love possible. Just click the donate button below and you can send them a little donation as a thank you. 

Send Coffee!

Episode 4: Slowing Down


Episode 6: Overcoming Adversity